When it comes to mens skin care tips, many men do not have a clue. They do not know what to use, or even how to use it. Don't get me wrong, there are some who do know, and those are the ones who have the best looking skin. In our culture it is considered "not manly" if you spend any time taking care of yourself. This is absolute hogwash; Women can spend three hours doing their hair, putting make up on their faces, and taking care of their skin to look beautiful. To be a the best looking man you can be, and have great looking skin while keeping it very healthy. I will show you how to look your youngest, prevent adult acne or acne in general, as well as prevent and remove unsightly wrinkles. Here we go. While many people have heard this, too many mens skincare experts ignore it: wear sun protection. The sun will be the death of your skin if you do not protect it. Radiation can cause chromosome damage which can lead to skin cancer. It's much better to take the two minutes to rub some sunscreen into your face, than regret not doing so for years because you got melanoma.